Special Christmas Simple Syrup - 30-45 ml
Lemon Juice - 10 ml
Peach Polka Pop - 120 ml
Loose Pomegranate
Orange Slices - 1
Lemon Slices - 3
For the Special Christmas Simple Syrup, boil equal parts of water & sugar over a low flame. As the sugar begins to mix in the water, add fresh rosemary, star anise & cinamon sticks to the water. Keep stirring till the sugar entirely dissolves. Let it cool down and soak for 5-7 minutes. Remove the herbs, and let it cool down before refridgerating it. Your simple syrup is ready!
Pour the Special Christmas Simple Syrup, lemon juice in a glass filled with ice & stir well
Top it up with Peach Polka Pop.
Add the pomegranate, orange & lemon slices as garnish to get a nice, colourful Christmas mocktail